Friday, November 21, 2014

Night Vision White Phosphor Technology

The new Night Vision images are now offered in a different color scheme. Instead of the familiar dark green hue, nighttime scenes are rendered in black and white. ATN Corporation, the developer of White Phosphor Technology ( WPT) , says the human eye adjusts much more readily to black and white night viewing, interpreting it as more "natural," than green. The company says devices fitted with the new technology provide clearer contrast, better rendering of shadows and shapes and better depth perception.

So far, the White Phosphor technology is only available on a few select devices, such as the PVS-14, but the company plans to expand the line. Studies show that nighttime scenes appear remarkably more natural in black and white versus the usual green. B&W provides clearer information about contrast, shapes and shadows. ATNs White Phosphor Technology provides users with this natural B&W night vision image.

Operators that tested units that use ATN WPT reported a significantly better degree of detail, overall contrast, full moon similarity and range of shades. WPT provides more discriminating shades of intensity between white and black than between green and black resulting in better contrast and depth perception then when compared to green phosphor NVGs.

The majority of the WPT performance characteristics are on par or better then the latest Gallium Arsenide based image intensifier tubes. WPT specifications include typical resolution of 68lp/mm (with some over 74lp/mm) and Signal-to-Noise figures as high as 25. In test 7 out of 10 users name WPT as a "Night Vision Preference" when compared with common green night vision, especially in an urban environment. Designed for Special Ops WPT is not a toy. If your life depends on your gear and you want to improve your operational effectiveness you should look into this system. A green phosphor display is generally used because the human eye is most sensitive to the color green, which falls in the middle of the visible light spectrum. We see more tones. Color is an issue because the rods(responsible for night vision) are most sensitive at 507nm. The black and white view provides a greater sense of depth perception and more discernable shades. The reality is that these are Generation 2 systems. They don't promote the fact that their luminosity levels are very low. They can preserve the signal to noise levels by reducing the gain. IR illuminators can help make up for the low luminosity levels but only at a short range. An IR illuminator will make you visible to anyone else using night vision which is why the Gen 3 systems, which are truly passive, are such an advantage for our military. With this line of image intensifier tubes, the goal is to make a soldier feel more comfortable in the field with a more familiar black and white view. They are made for the European market where Gen 3 technology is not available.

Overall it appears that this technology is being positively accepted and could even replace the Green image that is now being used. Find various topic on Google Plus, Facebook Fanspage and Twitter.

Monday, November 17, 2014

iLiving App Review Watch Where You Step

The iLiving app is one of the most famous programs on the net today among inspiring app creators. This great app is focused on the concept of giving users quality information on self improvement and learning about improving oneself. The app has had millions of downloads. However, there is a simple and fun twist to add to the entire iLiving App concept. There is an easy to make a full-time income through this app, and it is not by creating your own app.

iLiving App review

How does the iLiving App work?

There is a stunning program that you can join in on when you get this app. Not only is it the very first app to ever become available in the self improvement niche, but it is also one of the few app programs that let's you earn an income when people buy the app from you. There is a small fee to join the program to get the product, information, and the affiliate account to sell the app. They will guide you to make sure that you sell as many apps as possible and people joining under you as well to make you money for the long term.

How much does it cost to join?

It can cost you a little bit of money, but considering that you shop at the mall and buy groceries, this iLiving program is worth it and quite affordable. If you just want the product and the information itself, it will cost you $6.95 per month. If you want to sell the apps and get everything else, it is only $9.95 per month. Remember, once you get a few people selling those apps whom you recruited, you can earn money from them. This alone makes the cost worth the investment every month. Millions are seeing a stable monthly income like this on a daily basis from this program. That is why this is worth joining.

Is iLiving worth it?

Most definitely, yes. There are more than 20 great quality apps that you can enjoy to improve yourself. When you join, you will get weekly videos for improving everything that you are, your own personal website, and even the ability to make money selling their apps. This is a great way to earn some extra cash. Other people earn an average of $1,000 additional income per month, and that is only the average people. If you work hard enough to market those apps from your own personal app website, you can easily get people to buy those apps and get referrals to sell them for you.

The iLiving App business is worth getting into, and the app itself is very professional. The weekly videos that they give to customers are always top notch to teach about all aspects of life in so many different ways. Thousands of people every single day enjoy this app because of the benefits of learning so much about developing themselves in many ways. With the iLiving App, there is a huge opportunity to not only learn so much, but also make a good side income. Find various topic on Google Plus, Facebook Fanspage and Twitter.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Is technology making social anxiety worse

I love video games, I love my computer, and I love my flat screen, but I find myself wondering sometimes if technology is making social anxiety worse. Has the convenience that technology has given to us also hindered us from overcoming social anxiety as a whole? Has technology made overcoming social anxiety even more difficult by placing a virtual barrier between human interaction and physical contact?

We can research and make friends with people online, but there is a lack of human interaction. The advantage of being online is that you can find a community to help you with whatever problem you have, but the disadvantage is the lack of action. We start using the internet as our outlet to being social. There is a huge lack of "real" interaction. We can sit at home and keep ourselves entertained with the hundreds of channels we have. We can live our vicariously through the character we play on video games, hell we can even pay our bills online so we don't have to interact with another human being.

I love the benefits that are given to us because of technology, don't get me wrong. I think it's great that I can do everything I listed above. I love the fact that I can save time and money by sitting at home. I think technology can help and hurt you at the same time.

The way that I figure it, technology is like a fine wine. Doctors say, for the time being anyway, that a glass of wine a day is good for you. On the other hand, If you drink too much, it can kill brain cells and also can cause liver problems. Technology, like wine, can affect your relationships if you take in too much of it and let it control your life.

I think it's outstanding that I have friends from all over the world that I've never met and probably never will, but I think it can also stunt your growth when it comes to getting past the reality of shyness and social anxiety. I realize that technology is a tool we can use to reach out to others but we need to use it wisely and apply what we learn with it, to the outside world. We have to make sure we don't use technology as a crutch to avoid physical social interaction.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Real Estate Technology

One of the most valuable things that a person can possess in todays times is their own real estate. With prices being down and the options being greater, many people are finding that its a great investment to buy and sell properties.

 With so many investors, there is also a need for real estate firms or agents who will assist the investor in getting the best deal. This is where the real estate agents job comes in. They have to search homes for sale and thru several listings to provide the best opportunity for their clients.

 Local classifieds in newspapers do help in providing information on real estate homes for sale but it is hectic and time consuming to search for the property you want in it.

 With there being so many homes for sale, there is a need for the real estate agents to maintain a customer relationship database to have better communication with buyers and sellers. This is where the need of a company like Taro Systems, Inc comes in. Taro offers technology that has been around for 29 years. Taro provides software that helps the agents to keep track of prospective clients with

 Taro has helped and benefited many small firms, as well as large real estate companies to maintain contact, have a back up databases of all the prospective and existing clients and to get top ranking on Google.

 With the changing times there has been a major development in the real estate industry. The need for software that helps companies maintain and keep their databases updated and organized. One such software from Taro Systems, Inc. is ProGold i2, which has been developed specially for the real estate searches that the investors do online. It is easy to upload and use. The ProGold i2 makes the working of the company more efficient and it helps the company connect well with its customers; allowing them to streamline and work smarter not harder.

 No matter whether your field specialty is commercial real estate, residential real estate or if you are a financial or paralegal specialist, Taro Systems, Inc. has the software that you need. This smart, interactive real estate software is tailor-made for builders, property managers, commercial brokers, landlords, investors, re-modelers, business brokers, lease agents, transaction attorneys, developers, agricultural land brokers, industrial brokers and everyone else related with the property business.

 Real estate software features a wide variety of tools and capabilities that allow real estate professionals to achieve more in less time and with less effort. Including such tools at report designers and powerful mail merge functions; real estate software can provide great results and can make businesses run more efficiently, with customizable organizational schemes and contact activity tracking and histories. Its easy for realtors to keep an eye on the big picture. Moreover, software specifically designed for use in the real estate industry allows for properties to be easily linked with contacts and also allows for fast and easy publication of listings to various websites and portals.

 Taro Systems, Inc., headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with over twenty nine years in operation, possesses the knowledge needed to develop unique and dynamic solutions to address industry-wide problems. The proof of Taro's dedication can be found in the successes of Taro Systems' clients - real estate companies of all sizes - including some of the largest in the industry. Taro Systems is technology aligned with relationships, providing outstanding customer service to the people that count - the customers!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Experience modern technology with HCL laptops

Are you Looking for a smart, good quality and affordable laptop? Then HCL laptops are there as the best solution of your problem.

 After a great research and high development, the computer world has gone tremendous change and has come up with numerous innovative inventions. The vast change in computer technology has helped customers to do their work in a more efficient and stress free way. Today's hi-tech world has increased the demand of users and day to day new substitutes are coming in the technology world. When we talk about the selection of laptop, it also requires greater consideration as users are switching towards good quality products. At present, everyone want a excellent quality laptop yet in a affordable rate.

 In order to fulfil customers requirements, HCL laptops have left no stone unturned to provide a better quality laptop with modern functioning that to in a affordable rate. HCL Laptops are on high demand due to their highly affordable cost, superb performance and reliability. It is a highly advance device, which can completely fulfil customer's expectations with its efficient functioning. These Cheap HCL Laptops can delight a common man with low budget and let them to feel the pleasing experience of having a world class laptop.

 One can find several HCL laptops in market in a highly affordable rates. Some of the popular laptops on demand are MiLeap X Laptop, HCL MiLeap L notebook and HCL MiLeap Y Ultra-portable laptop. These are excellent in performance and quality and are extremely reliable. The best thing is that it can easily suit buyer's pocket. These affordable laptops have replace The bulky desktop computers have been replaced by laptops as they deliver high quality performance and comes with alluring designs to attract customers. These Cheap HCL Laptops comes with innovative technologies and unique market trends. They are designed according to customer's preferences and suits them according to their requirements.

 The present day laptops are space conscious and one can place them anywhere, in the room or office desk. The laptop grant user's a world class solution against various problems and provide them with a perfect ease . The HCL models have weight approximately 1-8 Kilograms and they can be easily taken anywhere , without the fear of loss of data and damage. Laptop let users to create, share and organize files, applications, programs, spreadsheets and presentations just like a computing device.

 The present day cheap laptops comes with a single battery or sometimes with an external AC/DC adapter. The various efficient components of a laptop facilitate the portable usage and lessen the electricity consumption burden. The laptop also comes with touch pad and pointing stick through which users can access various applications and menus. The latest Cheap HCL Laptops also offers modern features such as network adapter, internal modem, Wi-Fi and USB support etc.

 However, one must not purchase laptops from unauthorized dealers and specially from grey market as they can be fake. The HCL showrooms offers customers a quality product with a long lasting warranty period. Before purchasing HCL Laptops, one must go through the complete detailed knowledge survey of Online market and should be aware of the proper features of the model,one is going for. First set your requirements and priorities them and then choose a model completely satisfying your expectations.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

How To Engage Employees With Technology Based Change

When you think about the millions of dollars organizations spend each year on IT programs of work, wouldn't it be prudent knowing that employees actually understand and most importantly embrace the reason behind the changes? There is one way of ensuring that employees and their managers have got the message and truly understand the reasons for the new system implementation. And that is the means that you communicate change.

 Let's start with reviewing how most organizations manage technology based change. If your organization's approach to this type of change is new skills training and employee communication strategies that include stakeholder management (translated briefings), intranet and email updates then that's not managing change, rather it is focussed on information. So what is the difference and why do we need to do anything more than provide information?

 IT systems are not introduced for the sake of a new system itself, they are introduced because there are benefits to be realized from a business management perspective. This may include more information on customer profiles and identifying other products or services clients may be interested in purchasing, the chagnes might focus on back office systems such as greater information for human resources management or accounting or they may focus on the supply chain and logistics. Whatever the reason there is a business reason for change and this is what employees need to understand if the full benefits of any system implementation is going to be realised.

 Let's look at an example. This financial services organisation was introducing a new back office system. In the past employees worked in separate divisions so customers were transferred from one area to another to process their request. The new system meant that all of the customer details were now available to employees and that they would now work in teams and "own" the customer from the commencement to end of transaction. It was a complete system and work style change so before specific system training was introduced a simulated work area was established and employees were taken through the customer experience. It was important that they understood the benefits to the customer by looking at the changes through the eyes of the customer. This way we created the "Aha" moment, employees got the message better than any intranet, information session or email bulletin could have conveyed it. And when employees went into system training they clearly understood the benefits and business reasons behind the changes.

 The five key things to remember when communicating technology changes.

 1. Be very clear about the business reasons for the changes - who will benefit and what will those benefits be?
 2. Establish why those benefits are important? What will the impact be on the organization?
 3. Decide the key messages for your information strategy - what will you need to communicate, to whom and when?
 4. Concurrently design an engagement strategy at key points in your project plan that will engage employees at all levels in the reason for the technology changes.
 5. Remember to ensure engagement the message is not about the system itself but about the business reasons for the changes.

 Finally, as change management professionals can we take the same approach to managing system changes and apply it to every new organization? The answer is clearly no because as every organization's culture is different, so it follows that every approach to change management and employee communication must be different to maximise the investment and potential of the system changes that are implemented.

 Marcia Xenitelis is a recognized authority on the subject on change management and has spoken at conferences around the world. For access to case studies and more information on the types of strategies you can implement to engage employees visit  for a wealth of free informative articles and resources.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Nano Technology Enhancement for Epoxy Floor Coatings

Nano particles used in an epoxy floor coating are small particles less than 0.1 micron. These small particles have not traditionally been used in epoxy coatings but when employed properly can upgrade epoxy coatings physical properties. Eight of these nano particles, side by side, will be less than the width of a human hair.

 For example, nano technology can be used to improve the strength of epoxy coatings through reinforcement of the coating. The technology imparts clarity to the epoxy coating while traditional coating additives cause opaqueness. Depending upon the desired characteristics, nano technology has the potential to alter many features of an epoxy floor coating.

 While imparting special properties to an epoxy coating, nano particles allow the coating to remain clear. This is in addition to abrasion and impact resistance. Flow properties are also improved.

 Great improvement is seen in abrasion resistance and surface hardness. This translates to better scratch resistance. A warehouse floor coated with nanotechnology epoxy coating will have a longer life and appearance.

 The nano epoxy coating can be formulated to produce a 100% solids coating without solvent. This "green technology" is certainly another added benefit that architects and building owners are attracted to when adding Leeds points to their epoxy floor specifications.

 There are epoxy floor coatings that claim to have antibacterial an microbial properties with certain chemical additives. How do nano epoxy coatings compare?

 Nano particles with specific properties can be incorporated to produce these properties. Using mateials proven safe by the FDA are being tested at the present time. The future holds great promise for new products in this arena.

 In formulating work thus far, nano epoxy floor coatings exhibit a much improved flow characteristic. Ease of application is therefore a distinct advantage. The labor used to apply nano epoxy floor coatings is reduced from the improved ease of application feature.

 However, the single most important feature of the nano epoxy is abrasion resistance compared to existing epoxy floor coatings. At first, the scratch resistance in the initial stages of cure is apparent and becomes more so after the stage of final cure.

 The abrasion resistance of the new nano epoxy floor coating technology is accompanied by gloss retention. All other additives that attempt to improve abrasion resistance cause the loss of coating gloss. This advancement in nano technology epoxy floor coatings is impressive.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

NASA Technology and Memory Foam Pillows

Memory foam was in the beginning formulated way back in 1966 by NASA in the us to absorb the huge forces astronauts are confronted with for the duration of lift-off in their rocket seating. Memory Foam has cushioned the headgear of the Dallas Cowboys through the entire 70s and eighties, safeguarded bedridden patients from bedsores, and comforted the feet of 1000's dressed in fashionable shoes that combine the shock reduction material within their insoles This technology has now already been adapted to be used in the household bed, mattress and pillow market, and is proving to be highly sought after amongst our shoppers. Heated by body heat, the memory foam delicately cocoons your slumbering head and moulds flawlessly to your head profile, while concurrently supplying additional comfort and support. Together with a Body Response bed, it produces balanced, restful sleep by reducing pressure points and alleviating the stresses and pressures of day-to-day life.

 Memory foam pillows are specially built to mould to the shape of the head and neck which helps to help remedy strain and offers outstanding comfort and support. Silentnight have developed their Breatheasy Memory Foam Pillow, which makes use of airflow technologies keeping you cool and dry as the ergonomic design adjusts to your natural curves. Measuring 49cm long and 30cm wide (19 inches L, 12 inches W), it comes complete with a 80% polyester and 20% cotton cover, it is now available with a 20% discount. This is actually the comments from one thrilled customer -"I have neck problems and was waking each morning with a headache. Experimented with various solutions to no avail until I purchased this pillow, it was an overnight success I have had no further headaches! It did take me a few nights to get used to it but I persevered and wouldn't be without it now. I like the cover supplied with the pillow however I do use a natural cotton pillow case over it."

 Silentnight also have the Memory Foam Shell Pillow available, which brings together the benefits of memory foam for support along with a hollowfibre filling for added comfort. This pillow comes with a 50% cotton and 50% polyester cover, is handwash only and measures 74cm long by 48cm wide. Alternatively, we have a great range of a more natural product in goose down pillows, which offer a similar level of comfort and support but in a more conventional way. We are able to source many sites offering pillows for sale, so take a browse at our beds, duvets and pillows and have a look!.

 The  is your resource for finding great deals on beds. We provide an extensive list of mattresses, bedding and related products that can help you get a better sleep each night. Many of the items listed on our website come from well-known manufacturers. We are not a retailer that sells directly to customers. Instead, we scour the internet to bring you a list of quality beds and accessories at the best prices possible visit The Best Bed Shop is your resource for finding great deals on beds. We provide an extensive list of mattresses, bedding and related products that can help you get a better sleep each night. Many of the items listed on our website come from well-known manufacturers.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) education

Education is termed as one of the basic requirements on which great nations are built. It is an investment that takes its time to pay dividends but, according to economists, education generates the highest returns when compared to any other avenues where resources can be committed. In developing countries, where a large population lives at subsistence levels, primary education is a major tool for enriching human capital. At the primary level, young minds are enlightened to accept new ideas, show creativity, develop critical thinking and above all, enable themselves to absorb surrounding information for informed decision-making at any later stage in life. In this regard, computer studies or

ICT becomes immensely important.

How essential is ICT or computer education at the primary level? This question is worth exploring given that our children are growing up in an information age.

The argument that we are so underdeveloped and devoid of basic infrastructure that we cannot even afford to think about computers is not very valid any more. With decreasing cost and increasing usability of desktop PCs - which in fact face the threat of extinction at the hands of laptops - has turned the situation from bleak to bright. It is now a matter of choice, rather than availability to introduce ICT at primary school level - at least in the urban areas.

Here, it is important to note that there are two very different and distinct aspects of ICT in education. One is teaching ICT itself, and the second is using ICT as an augmented tool to the existing teaching methods which is more important, it will be very useful if the people study from,

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

IEP Technology Proves Viability of Geothermic Fuel Cell for Oil & Gas Production

IEP Technology's full feature geothermic fuel cell prototype built by Delphi Automotive is successfully tested at Colorado School of Mines' Colorado Fuel Cell Center. This is the second milestone IEP TEchnology has made on schedule.

 Denver, CO, November 22, 2013 - Researchers and oil company representatives from around the world recently toured the first full-featured Geothermic Fuel Cell (GFC), a new innovation that can produce greater efficiency in extracting oil from shale.

 IEP Technology and Delphi Automotive are working collaboratively to develop this innovation and have executed a Memorandum of Understanding under which Delphi Automotive expects to integrate solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology into GFCs.

 The unit was shown in October during the 33rd Oil Shale Symposium presented by the Colorado School of Mines and the Colorado Fuel Cell Center (CFCC). Initial testing led by Dr. Neal Sullivan, Ph.D., an associate professor at Colorado School of Mines and director of the CFCC, proved that the GFC can be operated at the high temperatures needed to heat oil shale formations to produce oil in situ or in place.

 -This is an exciting opportunity for all involved. It's a true collaboration between IEP Technology (IEPT), Delphi and the CFCC to test the full-feature GFC prototype. We are bridging theory to industrial use in an exciting new way at our lab,- said Sullivan.

 The multi-stack, full-featured GFC module follows successful testing of a single stack GFC in April 2013. This is the second major technology milestone IEPT has met with relative ease.

 -We could not be happier to meet this second milestone with such success in proving our multi-stack, full-featured GFC module. Our next major step will be to couple and test multiple modules in the lab in preparation for our in-ground, pre-field testing at a location on Colorado School of Mines property,- said Mark Wall, IEPT's Manager of Projects.

 IEPT selected Delphi's SOFC as the most advanced and production-viable stack available today. Delphi's SOFC converts chemical energy in conventional fuels directly into useful electrical power and heat without combustion, resulting in minimal emissions. Electric heaters have been used to extract oil from shale in situ, but IEPT's concept has the potential to be much more efficient and does not require a dedicated electrical power plant.

 Delphi has designed SOFCs and completed development projects to generate electric power for commercial vehicle auxiliary units, stationary and military applications. Delphi is committed to applying its SOFC technology to green energy applications such as the GFC, and brings years of automotive component manufacturing and system integration experience to support IEPT in developing its technology for oil shale production applications.

 -Beyond the application of extracting oil from shale, we have always envisioned multiple uses for the GFCs such as fresh water production from brackish underground aquifers and landfill pyrolysis in addition to the in situ production of unconventional hydrocarbons,- said Al Forbes, IEPT's president and CEO. -Delphi's ability to engineer and adapt its existing SOFC technology to GFC applications, manufacture on a volume basis and distribute globally will go a long way in making this a reality.-

 The in-ground testing of the full-feature GFC modules scheduled for 2014 on Colorado School of Mines property will include the in situ installation and operation of multiple GFC modules. It will also test all related equipment for fuel conditioning and supply and power management for the green electrical power produced as a byproduct of the GFC applications.

 About IEP Technology IEP Technology (IEPT) is the owner of the patented, breakthrough in-situ Geothermic Fuel Cell(GFC) system. GFCs create heat for use in the recovery of unconventional hydrocarbons while producing additional energy to be sold back into the market as clean, baseload electricity. IEPT is currently focused on the economic and environmentally responsible recovery of oil shale and oil sands. The company holds exclusive rights to broad, patented GFC technologies in the U.S. and Canada, and has strategic partnerships with Uintah Resources, Inc., Delphi Corporation and Colorado School of Mines. Learn more about the company and its technology at or

 About the Colorado Fuel Cell Center at Colorado School of Mines Colorado School of Mines,, is a uniquely focused public research university dedicated to preparing exceptional students to solve today's most pressing energy and environmental challenges. Founded in 1874, the institution was established to serve the needs of the local mining industry. Today, Mines has an international reputation for excellence in engineering education and the applied sciences with special expertise in the development and stewardship of the earth's resources.

 About Delphi Automotive Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE: DLPH) is a leading global supplier of electronics and technologies for automotive, commercial vehicle and other market segments. Operating major technical centers, manufacturing sites and customer support facilities in 30 countries, Delphi delivers real-world innovations that make products smarter and safer as well as more powerful and efficient.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

GPS Security And Privacy How Does It Affect You

As you may well be aware, there are many important benefits to consider when using the Global Positioning Satellite System (GPS). It is invaluable when trying to navigate in unfamiliar areas, but some people think it is an invasion of privacy. Security and privacy have been openly debated, and most adults believe that it is more beneficial than detrimental.

 GPS tracking devices can provide monitoring data on a vehicle such as total miles driven, speeds that it was driven, traveled routes, as well as its current location. The sophistication and quantity of available monitored data varies depending upon the system and the make and model of the GPS device and vehicle of installation. .

 This is also widely regarded as an invasion of our personal privacy. To give one example, a standard rental car contract will often stipulate that if you go over 79 miles per hour, you will have to pay extra for the wear and tear that the car suffers. The car rental company can find out if you are going too fast by receiving information from the GPS tracking devices that are attached to the vehicle. Thus, if you go over 79 miles per hour, they will know, and you will be billed.

 Frequently, parents believe that GPS security and privacy issues are minimal in comparison with the security of knowing the location of their child. In fact, some parents use GPS devices to monitor their child's location and activities. If their child fails to follow the parents' guidelines, these parents may opt to suspend driving and socialization privileges.

 GPS cell phones allow people to track their loved ones with a much smaller investment. There are now options available for this from cell phone companies. However, the GPS data is not usually directly accessible to the user and an accurate determination of location needs assistance from the wireless network, thus the GPS data is only transmitted if a 911 call is made.

 Greater peace of mind and comfort are important when it comes to cellular telephones. Most folks don't realize they can actually be traced with their cells. The cops can use these to find crime doers and their victims, and even stolen cars. Each year there are more innovative versions of these devices with new bells and whistles. These gadgets can make us, and our families and friends feel safer and more connected. One caveat, however is that the data these devices contain might be subject to abuse.

 Although the Global Positioning Satellite System (GPS) has many benefits, one of the major concerns that both proponents and opponents of this technology voice is that of gps security and privacy. For example, car rental agencies can utilize gps vehicle tracking devices to determine whether and how often customers exceed speeds of 79 miles per hour. Most individuals who rent cars do not read the fine print in the contract that states customers who exceed this speed can be charged fees in addition to the contract price. This technology can be useful, however; GPS cell phones can monitor the whereabouts of a loved one.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

GSM vs CDMA Mobile Technology

GSM and CDMA network technologies are the two main competing technologies set up by cellular service providers across the globe.

 GSM is an abbreviation of Global System for Mobile Communications, while CDMA is an abbreviation of Code Division Multiple Access

 The technology:

 Mobile communication systems have to make use of the microwave frequencies above 800 MHz for transmission and reception of the signals. Different service providers operate in pre allocated frequency bands given to them by the international standards. Below listed are the methods to access these microwave frequencies.

  * FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access) - FDMA puts each call on a separate frequency.

  * TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) - TDMA assigns each call a certain portion of time on a designated frequency.

  * CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) - CDMA gives a unique code to each call and spreads it over available frequencies.

  * GSM is a global standard based on TDMA.

 How these technologies affect the common man:

 In case of GSM:

  * If you opt for GSM technology, you have the freedom to choose handset separately from the wide variety of big handset companies like Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, etc who retail their products in the market.

  * You can then purchase a SIM card from any of the GSM service providers like Hutch, Airtel, etc and insert it in to your handset and start talking.

  * You even enjoy the freedom to switch the service provider and still continue with the same handset.

  * GSM service providers are well networked globally. Therefore it offers much better international roaming. You must check for roaming call rates and coverage in the regions or countries where you visit frequently.

  * Another major benefit that GSM users enjoy is that if you travel to other countries you can make use your same GSM cell phone there too( if it is a quad-band phone 850/900/1800/1900 MHz). To save yourself from roaming charges from your service provider, you can purchase a local SIM card with call value and a local number in the country you are visiting.

 In case of CDMA:

  * Here the handset is network locked. You have to buy a complete package from the service provider that includes both, the handset and the connection (prepaid / postpaid).

  * Two main CDMA players in India are Reliance and TATA.

  * Earlier it was difficult for Reliance users who wanted to retain the same number but wanted to change their reliance handsets, to do so. However now it is possible by making use of the handset change card that is available in a nominal amount.

  * TATA however made it very user friendly. Due to its T - SIM enabled handsets; it is easier for TATA users to change their handsets.

  * Reliance and TATA now have a range of entry level, mid-segment and features rich advance handsets available with them. However in this case the choice of handsets is limited to the models offered by the Service Provider.

  * You cannot change the service provider and still keep the same handset.

  * Voice clarity in CDMA network is supposed to be better as it uses same frequency across all cells.

  * Here you need to check for International roaming tie ups if you travel abroad frequently. You do not enjoy the freedom like GSM mobiles.

  * TATA is soon launching T-SIM to enable international roaming with one world one number concept.

 Before choosing a CDMA or GSM Mobile phone from any mobile store, you need to understand the features and services provided by these mobile phones well. Find more about Smartphone News.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wireless Security Cameras System for your Business

Security cameras certainly are a great way to augment a home safety technique, however the sometimes might be tough to set up. Wireless security camera methods have the ease of not obtaining to become hardwired into a system. They do require energy, however they can be plugged into a common outlet, or battery powered for take away comfort. You can also use a wireless los angeles security cameras program to record the video feed, or with particular varieties see the video reside above the world wide web from anywhere in the world. Let's consider a seem at the three major varieties of wireless safety camera to find out what is appropriate for you personally.

 Outdoor Wireless Security Cameras System

 Used in a typical property safety setting, the outdoor wireless cameras change the regular hardwired camera. They will want some kind of electrical power, but that can be presented by a regular electrical outlet. You can find ones which can be battery powered but to continue to be on all day can drain the battery speedily. You are able to find solar powered cameras however they could drop energy in the event of consecutive rainy days or overcast climate. Nonetheless in the event you will not want to go through the problems of hardwiring your cameras they could be a great selection for you personally.

 Wireless IP Security Cameras System.

 A reasonably new addition to protection cameras would be the IP safety camera. These cameras function in the comparable strategy to a webcam, except they do not need to be hooked as much as a pc. The camera signal is sent back to a base or connects for your residence wireless net. Fundamentally the camera is actually a self contained webcam. The advantage is the fact that you'll be able to log into the camera any time or any spot you might have a internet connection and see what the camera sees. This genuine time monitoring may be recorded via personal computer or digital video recorder.

 Nanny Cam

 A nanny cam is a wireless surveillance los angeles security camerasprogram disguised as an daily home object. You'll be able to get clocks, DVD gamers, children's toys and so forth, which have hidden cameras built into them. They can function much like the true object but have the extra surveillance system. Several folks use these to view caretakers (like nanny's) or staff within their houses. These digital wireless security camera methods might be recorded to DVR or be combined by using a wireless IP camera so that it is possible to see the dwell video remotely by means of the world wide web at perform.

 Wireless Surveillance Camera Programs

 A cheap wireless security camera system, is not really a choice. The camera should have the video transmitting hardware developed in, including on the cost. The decrease finish techniques may be in regards to the price of a high finish hardwired camera, but their real benefit may be the comfort and capability to area them in which it would be hard to install a wired camera. Moreover the ability to see a dwell video feed remotely more than the net can make the wireless security camera system much more eye-catching to a number of people. It could be far more difficult to add a fake safety cameras to your program as is many instances carried out within a wired camera installation. Still the capability to hide them within your house tends to make that selection fundamentally pointless.

 David Verde has carried out research on los angeles security camerastechniques of all types and would like to pass the information on for you. Don't forget property security just isn't just surveillance but includes many other components of which cameras are only a component.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Vocal Microphones for Classroom Recordings The Newest Technology

Recording a classroom in a large room can be challenging as sounds from the students, as well as background noise, often negatively impact the speech quality of the recording. New technology exists today that can overcome these limitations allowing for professional sounding recordings to be created without spending a lot of money.

A few years back a typical setup would require either a unidirectional microphone mounted on the podium or desk, or a lapel (lavalier) type worn by the instructor. The advantage to the desk setup is simplicity and excellent audio reproduction, the downside is that the speaker cannot move around, as the audio quality is impacted by how far the speaker is from the proximity of the microphone.

A wireless lavalier (or lapel) microphone allows the instructor to be mobile, but the disadvantage is that the speaker is the only one recorded. Omnidirectional polar patterns are available for lavalier microphones, but the depth of field is greatly reduced to eliminate ambient noise. This makes it virtually impossible to capture audio from the audience.

Traditional ways to get around these limitations would include having someone walking around with a wireless mic to field student questions, or to install an array of microphones. An array is essentially a group of vocal microphones working together, placed strategically throughout the room. These mics would then be attached to a computer so that the signals can be collected and assembled into a coherent form. This is a good solution in that the entire classroom can be recorded, but there's a tradeoff in the cost and complexity of the setup.

The newest "array microphone" technology addresses these limitations. It's now possible to have a number microphone elements working in tandem and physically located in a single device. The result is a "virtual array" of microphones. Given the fixed position of each element, digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms can isolate each signal source can create complex virtual polar patterns that provide the ability to zero in on, or to reject particular sound sources from around the room.

This is a great choice for classroom recording as these types of microphones can find and isolate a moving speaker, while filtering out background noise like air conditioning that is typically present in classroom settings. One example of a microphone that uses this technology is the Vocal Microphone Store.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Modern Technology of Laser is Found in Many Areas of Life

Laser technology is used in almost every scope of life, from the miniscule lasers in CD players to the lasers used to scan groceries in the checkout line to the massive lasers in aeronautics design. The discovery of laser technology and the subsequent building of ever-improving lasers have benefited the human race tremendously, particularly through medical advances. Medical lasers cause medical procedures to be quicker, better, and easier than their traditional counterparts. The only drawback is increased cost.

 In 1917, Albert Einstein was the first person to suggest the basics of what would become lasers, by discussing the theory of Stimulated Emission, which is a type of electron transition in which a photon is emitted from an atom causing a chain reaction with other atoms to repeat the action. In fact, the word laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulation Emission of Radiation. Charles Townes, an American physicist, further developed the idea with microwave (invisible) light in the mid- to late-50's and Theodore Maiman built the first working optical (visible) light laser in 1960. Improvements and variations on hundreds of kinds of lasers continue to be made since the 1960s. Those involved in quantum mechanics have been studying some form of lasers, either in theory or in reality, since the 1920s. Uses for laser technology are widespread and are included in such important fields as medical/surgery, communications, design, manufacturing/industry, and research.


 The advancement of medical lasers has vastly improved the ease and success of surgery. The cost, however, is greater than that of other treatments, though scarring is much less with lasers and lasers work much more quickly than older surgical options. Incisions are more precise and easier to control. Some medical areas in which lasers have deeply refined treatment options are in laser eye surgery, oncology, neurosurgery, cardiology, dermatology, veterinary surgery, and dental surgery.

 Televisions, telephones/ cellular phones, and computer systems all benefit from the use of lasers. Lasers are able to carry the huge amounts of channels and frequencies required by these high-tech devices. Lasers have proven the best communication device to have in the space age.


 Lasers have transformed the world of design by making it possible for designers to perform with precision that was previously unavailable. Lasers are used to design digital and three-dimensional objects with much more ease and accuracy through scanning, cutting, copying, and digital archiving. From designing a building to designing landscape, lasers prove to be the best option for fast and easy design.


 Lasers have improved the manufacturer's ability to produce tenfold. For example, with a laser cutter, a clothing manufacturer can have fabric patterns cut much more quickly and more accurately in no time. A jeweler has much more precision on his side when employing lasers to work on fine gems. Airplane designers can construct an aircraft much more efficiently and with greater results using laser technology.


 The use of lasers in research enables scientists to uncover much more detail and detect very slight movement when studying matter. The lasers can be tailored to only respond to certain colors or movements and, in that way, they provide much more specialized work in research environments.

 The world of laser technology is always expanding by producing new applications and ways to benefit people. The dependence that the modern culture has on lasers is amazing considering that it was not prevalent until the past forty years.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What Is 3G And How Does It Work

Many people have asked me over the last 12 months, "What is 3G?" So I've decided to write an article on how this great technology works and how it can benefit the users of it!

Telecommunications and electronics manufacturing giants made the news as they battled to be the first in what was hoped would be a huge market for a new era of mobile communication, and then when 3G was actually set up, mobile phone companies tried to convince consumers to upgrade to the new services.

Despite all the talk, a lot of people still don't know what 3G really means. What follows is a brief guide to 3G mobile phone communication.

What is it? 3G means that the new generation of mobile phones now have the capacity to hook up to wireless broadband services. The connection speed is 144 kbps and which is roughly three times the speed of a 56K dial up modem connection.

Some services offer higher connection speeds. You will be able to surf the net from a mobile or cell phone, enjoy real music video streaming wirelessly. And even 3D games, videoconferencing is all part of the 3G technology.

Laptop users also can take advantage of 3G networks for mobile broadband without a Wi-Fi network; basically you'll just have to have a network supplied computer card and a simple data plan.

What kinds of 3G networks exist? There are two main varieties of 3G: UMTS (Universal Mobile Telephone Service), which uses W-CDMA as its underlying standard, and CDMA2000 1xEV-DO (Evolution-Data Optimised. Now 1xEV-DO and even W-CDMA are located in all major capital cities all over Australia and ofcourse growing all the time. Speeds for both should be about entry-level ADSL quality.

Which Companies provide 3G services? In Australia, The big four mobile phone networks / carriers all have 3G services, but they each have different plans, services and coverage areas.

Presently the service of these carriers is not provided in all localities, and when a user goes outside the 3G supported areas, the phones fall back on the normal GSM/ GPRS system enabling users to reach approximately 95% of the mobile phone population. these plans from all networks and providers start from a low $20 per month and up. What Kinds of Phones Support 3G? If you want to take advantage of 3G you not only have to subscribe to a new service plan, but you need a new phone.

Third-generation handsets offer video calls, music downloads and streaming services. They're generally a bit bigger than their 2G predecessors but offer a whole lot more multimedia capacity. All the major manufacturers (Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Sharp, NEC, Samsung) sell models with 3G capacity. Check with your service provider to find out which handsets are suitable for the plan that you wish to sign up for.

More About 3G With the advert of 3G technology your options related to services you wouldn't even imagine previously can now be available. There's no doubt 3G and with handset manufactures creating more phones to handle it, it will open the doors to wireless communications you previously thought was not possible!

Each network provider will have their own spin on how their 3G system works and it might be good to review all 3G networks before signing up on a lengthy contract! It's all about speed and coverage.

If the network provider has good 3G speed and coverage for the areas you are mainly located in, you're on a winner.

The future looks bright for wireless high-speed communication systems like 3G.

Soon you'll have one wireless device in your hands that will pretty much be able to do everything you need. You'll be able to even watch VIDEO calls, download anything you want at high wireless download speeds as well as even paying your accounts with one mobile device!

What's coming next? In the near future the connection speeds of 144kbps will be increased to 30-100 Mbps in the so-called 4G networks. These speeds will allow users to enjoy high-quality streaming video, high-quality videoconferencing and voice-over-IP mobile communication.

If you enjoy the services that you get on a broadband Internet connection and would like to have them in your pocket, then the time is right to take a close look at 3G mobile phones.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The development of metal powder technology

Method of preparing metal powders can be roughly divided into two categories: physical chemical and mechanical method. Mechanical method is about mechanical crushing method and metal melt atomization. The former one uses the mechanical grinding, vortex grinding, crushing and centrifugal air flow crushed and other technologies. The second one is divided into general atomization and rapid solidification atomization method. The one using rapid solidification directly from the metal melt atomized metal powder in the powder metallurgy and materials science has attracted much attention. Double atomization is the main method of the present industrial production of metal powder.

 The high-pressure water atomization and high-pressure gas atomization method using high pressure water and high pressure gas as the atomizing media to break the continuous thin stream of molten metal, they are the most important method for the production of metal powder. The atomization mechanism including the formation of fluid thin layer, the thin layer of broken metal flow of silk and metal flow thread contraction of the three stages of the micro-droplets. High-pressure gas atomization of 50-100m diameter metal powder, high-pressure water atomized powder particle size between 75-200 gas atomized powder for smooth spherical cooling rate of about 102-103  C / s, water atomization powder often has an irregular shape and surface, the cooling rate of 102-104  / s. High-pressure gas atomization and water atomization is widely used in large-tonnage production of aluminum, tool steel, super alloys, bronze powder(FCu 663), iron, tin and low-alloy powder.

 The rapidly rotating cup method also known as the rotating water law. Squeeze into the rotating cup quenching medium (which may be aqueous solutions, hydrocarbons, cryogenic fluids, etc.), metal flow is broken under the pressure of the argon, liquid metal, quench, under the centrifugal force through rapid quenching media to reach the rotation and finally get the powder. Analysis showed that increasing the speed of the rotating cup, reduce the liquid metal nozzle size, and improve the superheat of the liquid metal can be refined powder size; increase the gas injection pressure can reduce the splashing of the liquid metal on the surface of quenching medium, and then improve powder recovery rate. The molten metal first gas atomization, centrifugal atomization and shock atomization, and then into the rotating cup quenching medium, which can be avoided crucible nozzle clogging and corrosion, but also improve the atomization efficiency. Rotating cup method can produce all kinds of steel, high temperature alloys, aluminum, copper, nickel and other alloy systems of metal powder, powder of spherical or irregular shape. For iron-based alloys, with a diameter less than 50m powder particle cooling rate of at least 106  / s. Rapid solidification and general atomized powder, with a rapidly rotating cup method of production of powder size distribution is narrow, fine nickel powder yield rate, but the fast rotating cup is still in the laboratory research stage.

 Mechanical atomization method is using the purely mechanical fragmentation to make the liquid metal into small droplets, and then quickly solidified into a metal powder. Hammer anvil method is a metal material is placed in the horizontal plane of the anvil, with the arc, ion beam or electron beam melting, the hammer will hit the anvil seat, resulting in a round flaky powder, powder size of 25mm diameter to a thickness of 5-300m. The cooling rate depends on the thickness of the flaky powder in the range of 104-106  / s. Principle of hammer and anvil method is similar to the piston anvil technology and dual-piston technology, they are in the movement of the piston and the anvil, between the two opposite movement of the piston, squeeze the metal droplets, resulting in sheet powder. Hammer anvil method is widely used in the laboratory system to take flake powder sample. It also applies to a variety of metal and alloy powder.

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Benefits of Video Conferencing

What once required the physical presence of a number of individuals in a common location is now being accomplished through video conferencing. Thanks to the technological leaps of the past several years, any number of people can attend the same meeting from all points around the globe at any given time.

The ability to engage in video conferencing offers a multitude of benefits and, today, is widely utilized among most large companies, as well as a number of smaller firms.

One of the many benefits that can be realized when integrating the use of video conference technology into the workplace is an increase of productivity. Taking no more time or effort than a simple telephone call or walk to the office next door, video conferencing allows individuals to attend meetings from their own location, freeing up their time to continue doing business without the loss of travel time. As a result, hundreds of hours can be saved over the course of a year, which adds up to a significant amount of time that can be utilized for the purposes of performing other critical tasks.

Video conferencing also offers the benefit of economic savings. Those same individuals who, in an earlier time, would have had to travel  sometimes, extensively  in order to attend certain meetings and conferences, can now participate from their own offices, saving substantial amounts of money. If the conferences were scheduled to last for more than one day, hotel expenses also needed to be factored into the budget, as well as airfare for those who were traveling from a distance. When you add up the savings over the course of a single year, your company can save tens of thousands of dollars or more.

Due to the concerns surrounding travel  particularly air travel  in our society today, a video conference is ideal for ensuring the safety of the participants. Though there are always risk involved with travel of any kind, those that plague contemporary society puts the safety factor very high on the priority list.

Currently, even the bravest hearts are apprehensive regarding this issue, and most would not consider this to

be a risk that they would be willing to take for their job. Video conferencing offers the opportunity to avoid having to make this type of decision, while ensuring the safety of all concerned.

Customer relations may also be improved through the use of video conferencing. This is a great way to stay in touch with significant clients or those who are viewed as potential clients, without the need to make a physical visit or take up too much of the client's time. Since the most effective meetings are those which can be attended in a face-to-face environment, video conferencing provides the ability to meet that goal while avoiding the inconvenience of travel, time and expense.

If you're not currently tapping into the benefits of the video conference forum, it's in your best interests to do a bit of research into the possibilities of utilizing this form of personalized communication in the future.

With the wide variety of benefits that it offers, and virtually no drawbacks, there's no reason to put it off any longer. By saving productivity, money and time, your company will be that much closer to achieving and maintaining a successful and productive year.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Technology Can Help Chiropractors Say Good-Bye to Handwritten SOAP Notes

Dr. David Bohn, DC maker of QuickSOAP Notes for Chiropractic, gets many phone calls every week from fellow Chiropractor's who persist on writing handwritten chiropractic forms or old, obsolete computer system technology. Why do they continue down this path?? For two reasons, one is because of a lack of computer experience and two is being opposed to to change. So, let me be the one to reveal the news, computerized soap notes with EHR technology is here to stay.

 Maybe you are one of the many chiropractors all over the nation, who for several reasons are hesitant to take the next step into the future of chiropractic documentation. Then QuickSOAP Notes is the chiropractic soap notes software for you because at we specialize in "technophobes".

 Switching your documentation into computerized touch screen technology will boost your compliance, reduce the time you expend writing new patient notes, and will even increase the amount of referrals you get from primary care providers and attorneys. Even with these potential benefits many Chiropractors hesitate on moving further.

 Once you buy QuickSoap Notes we will not simply leave you, but will "hold your hand" each step until your software system is set up. Which includes helping you get your computer system set up and running and connecting your iPad if that is the way you want to go. QuickSoap Notes Chiropractic Software system is intuitive and we have programmed help videos on every screen, to enable to you to learn on the go. This is more convenient than having to pause and open a guide to see how something works or the next step.

 Through the years Dr. Bohn has learned of doctors' strong desire to modernize their practice and patient management by computerizing the documentation process. Although, they lack the confidence in themselves to learn the new chiropractic software technology and operate a computer. We have had many self-described "older" DC's modernize to QuickSOAP Notes soap notes software and adapted to the technology very fast. The largest obtacle to buying and updating appears to be getting them to expand the mind first, then it all is down hill and comes natural.

 It will require a few weeks to become completely relaxed with the chiropractor software and afterward it will seem as if you had it created just for your practice. All of our screens may be adapted to fit your practice and you have the option of adding unlimited template screens meaning that you can at last create a documentation that is uniquely yours for less than $2000.

 The key issue is don't be afraid of expanding and growing. Every one of our team beginning with our graphic artist to our senior programmer are happy to help you pull the most of your chiropractic soap notes software. Included in your purchase are 30 days of support, and available is the option of unlimited support and updates for only $295/year and we will be only a phone call away, year after year. We are glad to take recommendations for new screens or improvements from our support subscribers.

 Bring to an end being anxious, we're here to assist. Go ahead, give us a call at 301-876-4565 and begin moving forward with technology and add our QuickSOAP Notes to your practice today.

 Dr. David Bohn, DC is the founder of . He continues to practice chiropractic in a full time capacity as he has since 1988. This Chiropratic emr is a very simple system to learn, even the computer illiterate will catch on quickly.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What's the difference between CAT, MAT & CMAT

With higher education becoming exceptionally competitive in India these days, higher education boards and institutions have opted for a more stringent policy towards college entrance examinations. Management studies have bee the latest sensation of the generation, with millions of students applying for management entrance examinations every year, with an aspiration of getting admissions to the top management colleges and B-schools in India. However, there often occur certain misunderstandings regarding the most prestigious management entrance examinations in India. As such, it is important to understand what the difference is between CAT 2012, CMAT 2012, and MAT 2012.

 CAT 2012, also known as Common Admission Test, is one of the most prestigious, all-India level management entrance examinations, conducted by Indian Institutes of Management. Based on the CAT percentile, the successful candidates are eligible to appear for the next level of selection procedure, which includes Essay, Group Discussion and Personal Interview. The candidates, who become successful in all the steps of selection procedures, are eligible to get admission in nay of the top 5 IIMs. From 2009 onwards, CAT has been conducted online as a Computer Based Test, with a total of 60 multiple choice questions to be attempted in time duration of 2 hours and 15 minutes, exclusive of a 15 minutes tutorial. The core sections of CAT examination include Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation, Quantitative Aptitude, and Verbal Ability. .

 CMAT 2012 is also a national level management entrance examination, conducted by All India Council for Technical Education, with the aim of selecting the most eligible students for admission in 4,000 colleges offering a degree in MBA, and 500 colleges offering postgraduate diploma in management program. The eligibility criterion for CMAT is minimum 50% in graduation. Final year students of graduate courses can also apply. CMAT consist of total 100 multiple choice questions, with total marks of 400 and time duration of 180 minutes approx. There are four sections, including logical reasoning, quantitative techniques and data interpretation, general awareness, and language comprehension.

 MAT 2012 or Management Aptitude Test is conducted every year by All India Management Association, and is approved by Ministry of HRD as a national entrance test. The examination pattern and syllabus for MAT is almost similar to CAT and CMAT.

 All management entrance tests are vital, and it is imperative that you prepare hard for CAT 2012, MAT 2012, and CMAT 2012 in the best possible manner to earn a competitive edge over others.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Rendering Technology for Architecture Industry

As we know rendering technology of render farm used in deferent entertainment areas such as movie, animation, games etc. Rendering technology also used in building architecture industry. Rendering technology used in architecture industry known as 3d architecture rendering. Render farms are able to provide 3d software to complete a big architecture project easily and perfectly. By using rendering technology private owners can get a design to prepare the dream home at small charge.

It is possible to watch real life look of the future building in the design created by a render farm, which is also called cloud render farm using 3d rendering technology.3d rendering technology help architects to build architectural models with perfect scales and dimensions. Rendering technology also used by architects or property owners to decide colors and materials perfect for their architecture. Most of the architects use cad software for 3d architecture rendering.

Architects can also use 3ds Max, Revit, Archi CAD software for 3d architecture rendering. Architecture rendering provide designers and architects a clear concept about their task. They can avoid any kind of unwanted interruption and save a lot of time during architecture process. 3d architecture rendering is very popular in architecture industry for its various advantages such as this technology can produce a great efficiency during architecture development, little deference between design and bodily realization, designers or architects can visualize the development earlier to its architecture and it also increase trust in their design.3d architecture rendering have some sorts in architecture industry like 3d interior rendering, 3d exterior rendering, 3d product rendering etc. to complete a big architecture project rendering technology is the first thing essential for a property owner because it produce trust in a design through virtual visualization to modify before the architecture begins in the real world. So after all we can say that 3d architecture rendering is very essential innovation for architecture industry to build up architecture precisely with strong architectural design.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The great effects of technology to mankind

Being an admirer of wholesale electronics, then you probably have an idea how contemporary gadgets affect our lives today. Technology reliant would say that electronics have negative impacts in our existence. It teaches people how to be unindustrious and dependent on contemporary technology.

 But, a number of people would resent that idea. In the modern society today, devices such as laptops, desktop computers, and cell phones have supplied many persons around the world with the most effective and the fastest method of communication. With computers, we are able to send personal and business correspondence in seconds. In many years, the use of cell phones has offered us with mobility and convenience as we communicate with our friends and families wherever we are.

 DVD players, iPods/mp3 players, xbox, and play stations are just some of the many examples of equipment which give great entertainment to a number of people all over the world. These advanced equipment serve as a means of escape for students and professionals from the adversities in this technologically advanced.

 high-tech gadgets do not teach people to be dependent and lazy; instead , these gadgets only make human lives a little pleasurable. There are even some electronic gadgets which help businesses and households secure their offices and homes. Manufacturers in the world market ensure to make equipment such as security & surveillance cameras, car alarms, security sensors, and video door phones reachable. These gadgets come in various makes and models so that clients will have a number of alternatives to pick from considering on their preferences and their budget.

 Due to the existence of electronics that the existence of many persons around the world have been alleviated. In deed, these modern equipment that we enjoy in this present day have always assisted us in many ways from communication and entertainment to security and safety. On top of that, these electronics have been very handy in terms of making our daily tasks bearable. With the advent of photocopiers and computer printers, office personnel are relieved with the burden of making multiple copies of files and documents.

 Other than ease and convenience, electronic equipment are now fast becoming as fashion style. Most of the students and professionals these days have equipment like these to enhance their appearances and the appearances of their offices and homes. For example, a typical person may have a mobile phone. But, a fancy person will not have just a regular mobile phone. He may want to possess something that has colorful. In households, you can have chic looking entertainment gadgets instead of the regular ones.

 There are a number of technological gadgets available around the world. Its ultimate goal is the make people's lives easier and better. Whatever our aims and motive of getting an electronic equipment, it would be first prudent to learn how the gadget works so that you can have funand avail of its benefits in a holistic way.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Technology Adoption Life cycle

The use of the term technology has changed significantly over the last couple of centuries. Before the dawn of the 20th century the term itself was considered very uncommon in English. It was more or less referred to the description or study of the useful arts. Today in the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century man has become very skillful in using the knowledge, the craft, the system and the tools to make devices which embody certain category of technology. These are called technology products. Products such as computer, electronic devices, computer software are a few examples of technology products.

 Now a days technology product is used by every single single out there. Even the homeless person today uses a mobile phone. Technology products in this period follow a definite system where the prototype version or versions of the product is launched first. Sequentially the contrary versions get updated time to time and after a while the ultimate version becomes the mainstream product which is marketed and manufactured. In this technique there are two sets of consumers which are categorized as early adapters and late adapters. We can also perceive a equivalent design in the technology adoption lifecycle which is a sociological model developed by Joe M. Bohlen, George M. Beal and Everett M. Rogers to track the buy patterns of hybrid seed corn by farmers.

 The technology adoption lifecycle report summarized the categories as:

 * Innovators

 * Early adopters

 * Early majority

 * Late majority

 * Laggards

 The prematurely adopters first of all occupy contrary media and they appreciate a language totally different from their later counterparts. Tech companies who target early adopters require to go through an completely different method and approach to make revenue and sales from consumers. Early adopters support really technical and informative websites and visit blogs to read comments from experts.

 The late adapters or the mainstream consumers are the complete opposite of this. They only perceive an emotional language. This is a class of language which excites them and motivates them. They do not obtain any kind of attention out of technical data or involved information.

 There are specific schools of thoughts when it comes to attaining achievement with either or both early and late adopters. This perception states that if a technology product is successful with early adopters then it has a massive opportunity of attaining prosperity with the late adopters or mainstream consumers. E.G. Microsoft had launched a series of versions of Windows 7 which were as follows:-

 * Pre Alpha

 * Alpha

 * Beta

 * Released Candidate

 * Release to Manufacture or Marketing (RTM)

 * General Availability

 The early adapters got hands on the first few versions and there was a useful vibe about the new windows operating system even before the RTM version release on July 2009.

 In only eight hours, pre-orders of Windows 7 at surpassed the demand Windows Vista had in its first seventeen weeks. It was also a massive achievement with the late adapters or the mainstream consumers when the Retail version hit the stores on October 2009.

 So there are instances where thoughts and reviews of the early adapters help their later counterparts take decisions in buying technology products. Although some might debate that there are exceptions.

 Jeff Savitz  President of Savitz Research Solutions, has received outstanding reviews as a presenter and workshop leader for his thought-provoking, breakthrough market research and lively, interactive style.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

New Technology Bottle Openers The Perfect Seniors Aid

With the ever changing and hectic lifestyles, it eventually takes its toll on the health of the people and people find themselves engulfed with diseases and health problems. The junk food and the unhealthy diets causes the people to grow old early and their body becomes a house of disease. Especially the senior citizens have to suffer myriads of problems and often search for ways to make their life easy.

Bottle openers have become an indispensable kitchen equipment and is largely used to open bottle ranging from soda can, beer can, juice cans, any plastic bottle, water bottle, small medium or large soda plastic bottle or a traditional glass bottle. Its a must item in any party, for a flight attendant in an airplane, even for a bartender in regular working hours, for a family. The elderly people find it hard to open the cans with a regular bottle opener if they have problems in their wrist or hands like arthritis or wrist pain.

Therefore, to ease up the job, there are a few innovative and effective bottle openers for the disposal of the seniors, which can act as the perfect senior aids and simplify the process of opening the cans or bottles. Think of a situation when your elderly father comes from a long walk and desire for a can of soda to quench his thirst and ease up his body. He gets hold of the normal bottle opener which requires force to open the can and as soon as your father gets a can of soda out of the refrigerator he gets suddenly depressed as he discovers that he is unable to open the bottle which requires strength. The weak hand doesnt allow the luxury of opening the can with ample force and therefore, he is left bereft of the drink.

When you return after your work you feel extremely guilty about the whole incident and you vow to find a solution for it. With the advancement of technologies new and innovative products have made the work of the people easy and convenient. The new era bottle openers can ease off your guilt and tensions and can gift your father and other elderly people the ideal way of opening a can or a bottle without exerting much force. These bottle openers acts as seniors self help and can make them self independent and able to drink as many cans of soft drinks and juices as they like at any time or any hour!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Technological Developments of CCTV

Todays High-definition CCTV cameras have many computer controlled technologies that allow them to identify, track, and categorize objects in their field of view. Video Content Analysis (VCA) is the capability of automatically analyzing video to detect and determine temporal events not based on a single image. As such, it can be seen as the automated equivalent of the biological visual cortex.

 A system using VCA can recognize changes in the environment and even identify and compare objects in the database using size, speed, and sometimes color. The cameras actions can be programmed based on what it is seeing. For example; an alarm can be issued if an object has moved in a certain area, or if a painting is missing from a wall, and if someone has spray painted the lens.VCA analytics can also be used to detect unusual patterns in a videos environment. The system can be set to detect anomalies in a crowd of people, for instance a person moving in the opposite direction in airports where passengers are only supposed to walk in one direction out of a plane or in a subway where people are not supposed to exit through the entrances.

 VCA also has the ability to track people on a map by calculating their position from the images. It is then possible to link many cameras and track a person through an entire building or area. This can allow a person to be followed without having to analyze many hours of film. Currently the cameras have difficulty identifying individuals from video alone, but if connected to a key-card system, identities can be established and displayed as a tag over their heads on the video. There is also a significant difference in where the VCA technology is placed, either the data is being processed within the cameras (on the edge) or by a centralized server. Both technologies have their pros and cons.

 Facial recognition system Is a computer application for automatically identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video source. One of the ways to do this is by comparing selected facial features from the image and a facial database.The combination of CCTV and facial recognition has been tried as a form of mass surveillance, but has been ineffective because of the low discriminating power of facial recognition technology and the very high number of false positives generated. This type of system has been proposed to compare faces at airports and seaports with those of suspected terrorists or other undesirable entrants. Eye-in-the-sky surveillance dome camera watching from a high steel pole

 Computerized monitoring of CCTV images is under development, so that a human CCTV operator does not have to endlessly look at all the screens, allowing an operator to observe many more CCTV cameras. These systems do not observe people directly. Instead, they track their behavior by looking for particular types of body-movement behavior, or particular types of clothing or baggage. Critics fear the possibility that one would not be able to meet anonymously in a public place or drive and walk anonymously around a city. Demonstrations or assemblies in public places could be affected as the state would be able to collate lists of those leading them, taking part, or even just talking with protesters in the street.