Friday, November 21, 2014

Night Vision White Phosphor Technology

The new Night Vision images are now offered in a different color scheme. Instead of the familiar dark green hue, nighttime scenes are rendered in black and white. ATN Corporation, the developer of White Phosphor Technology ( WPT) , says the human eye adjusts much more readily to black and white night viewing, interpreting it as more "natural," than green. The company says devices fitted with the new technology provide clearer contrast, better rendering of shadows and shapes and better depth perception.

So far, the White Phosphor technology is only available on a few select devices, such as the PVS-14, but the company plans to expand the line. Studies show that nighttime scenes appear remarkably more natural in black and white versus the usual green. B&W provides clearer information about contrast, shapes and shadows. ATNs White Phosphor Technology provides users with this natural B&W night vision image.

Operators that tested units that use ATN WPT reported a significantly better degree of detail, overall contrast, full moon similarity and range of shades. WPT provides more discriminating shades of intensity between white and black than between green and black resulting in better contrast and depth perception then when compared to green phosphor NVGs.

The majority of the WPT performance characteristics are on par or better then the latest Gallium Arsenide based image intensifier tubes. WPT specifications include typical resolution of 68lp/mm (with some over 74lp/mm) and Signal-to-Noise figures as high as 25. In test 7 out of 10 users name WPT as a "Night Vision Preference" when compared with common green night vision, especially in an urban environment. Designed for Special Ops WPT is not a toy. If your life depends on your gear and you want to improve your operational effectiveness you should look into this system. A green phosphor display is generally used because the human eye is most sensitive to the color green, which falls in the middle of the visible light spectrum. We see more tones. Color is an issue because the rods(responsible for night vision) are most sensitive at 507nm. The black and white view provides a greater sense of depth perception and more discernable shades. The reality is that these are Generation 2 systems. They don't promote the fact that their luminosity levels are very low. They can preserve the signal to noise levels by reducing the gain. IR illuminators can help make up for the low luminosity levels but only at a short range. An IR illuminator will make you visible to anyone else using night vision which is why the Gen 3 systems, which are truly passive, are such an advantage for our military. With this line of image intensifier tubes, the goal is to make a soldier feel more comfortable in the field with a more familiar black and white view. They are made for the European market where Gen 3 technology is not available.

Overall it appears that this technology is being positively accepted and could even replace the Green image that is now being used. Find various topic on Google Plus, Facebook Fanspage and Twitter.

Monday, November 17, 2014

iLiving App Review Watch Where You Step

The iLiving app is one of the most famous programs on the net today among inspiring app creators. This great app is focused on the concept of giving users quality information on self improvement and learning about improving oneself. The app has had millions of downloads. However, there is a simple and fun twist to add to the entire iLiving App concept. There is an easy to make a full-time income through this app, and it is not by creating your own app.

iLiving App review

How does the iLiving App work?

There is a stunning program that you can join in on when you get this app. Not only is it the very first app to ever become available in the self improvement niche, but it is also one of the few app programs that let's you earn an income when people buy the app from you. There is a small fee to join the program to get the product, information, and the affiliate account to sell the app. They will guide you to make sure that you sell as many apps as possible and people joining under you as well to make you money for the long term.

How much does it cost to join?

It can cost you a little bit of money, but considering that you shop at the mall and buy groceries, this iLiving program is worth it and quite affordable. If you just want the product and the information itself, it will cost you $6.95 per month. If you want to sell the apps and get everything else, it is only $9.95 per month. Remember, once you get a few people selling those apps whom you recruited, you can earn money from them. This alone makes the cost worth the investment every month. Millions are seeing a stable monthly income like this on a daily basis from this program. That is why this is worth joining.

Is iLiving worth it?

Most definitely, yes. There are more than 20 great quality apps that you can enjoy to improve yourself. When you join, you will get weekly videos for improving everything that you are, your own personal website, and even the ability to make money selling their apps. This is a great way to earn some extra cash. Other people earn an average of $1,000 additional income per month, and that is only the average people. If you work hard enough to market those apps from your own personal app website, you can easily get people to buy those apps and get referrals to sell them for you.

The iLiving App business is worth getting into, and the app itself is very professional. The weekly videos that they give to customers are always top notch to teach about all aspects of life in so many different ways. Thousands of people every single day enjoy this app because of the benefits of learning so much about developing themselves in many ways. With the iLiving App, there is a huge opportunity to not only learn so much, but also make a good side income. Find various topic on Google Plus, Facebook Fanspage and Twitter.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Is technology making social anxiety worse

I love video games, I love my computer, and I love my flat screen, but I find myself wondering sometimes if technology is making social anxiety worse. Has the convenience that technology has given to us also hindered us from overcoming social anxiety as a whole? Has technology made overcoming social anxiety even more difficult by placing a virtual barrier between human interaction and physical contact?

We can research and make friends with people online, but there is a lack of human interaction. The advantage of being online is that you can find a community to help you with whatever problem you have, but the disadvantage is the lack of action. We start using the internet as our outlet to being social. There is a huge lack of "real" interaction. We can sit at home and keep ourselves entertained with the hundreds of channels we have. We can live our vicariously through the character we play on video games, hell we can even pay our bills online so we don't have to interact with another human being.

I love the benefits that are given to us because of technology, don't get me wrong. I think it's great that I can do everything I listed above. I love the fact that I can save time and money by sitting at home. I think technology can help and hurt you at the same time.

The way that I figure it, technology is like a fine wine. Doctors say, for the time being anyway, that a glass of wine a day is good for you. On the other hand, If you drink too much, it can kill brain cells and also can cause liver problems. Technology, like wine, can affect your relationships if you take in too much of it and let it control your life.

I think it's outstanding that I have friends from all over the world that I've never met and probably never will, but I think it can also stunt your growth when it comes to getting past the reality of shyness and social anxiety. I realize that technology is a tool we can use to reach out to others but we need to use it wisely and apply what we learn with it, to the outside world. We have to make sure we don't use technology as a crutch to avoid physical social interaction.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Real Estate Technology

One of the most valuable things that a person can possess in todays times is their own real estate. With prices being down and the options being greater, many people are finding that its a great investment to buy and sell properties.

 With so many investors, there is also a need for real estate firms or agents who will assist the investor in getting the best deal. This is where the real estate agents job comes in. They have to search homes for sale and thru several listings to provide the best opportunity for their clients.

 Local classifieds in newspapers do help in providing information on real estate homes for sale but it is hectic and time consuming to search for the property you want in it.

 With there being so many homes for sale, there is a need for the real estate agents to maintain a customer relationship database to have better communication with buyers and sellers. This is where the need of a company like Taro Systems, Inc comes in. Taro offers technology that has been around for 29 years. Taro provides software that helps the agents to keep track of prospective clients with

 Taro has helped and benefited many small firms, as well as large real estate companies to maintain contact, have a back up databases of all the prospective and existing clients and to get top ranking on Google.

 With the changing times there has been a major development in the real estate industry. The need for software that helps companies maintain and keep their databases updated and organized. One such software from Taro Systems, Inc. is ProGold i2, which has been developed specially for the real estate searches that the investors do online. It is easy to upload and use. The ProGold i2 makes the working of the company more efficient and it helps the company connect well with its customers; allowing them to streamline and work smarter not harder.

 No matter whether your field specialty is commercial real estate, residential real estate or if you are a financial or paralegal specialist, Taro Systems, Inc. has the software that you need. This smart, interactive real estate software is tailor-made for builders, property managers, commercial brokers, landlords, investors, re-modelers, business brokers, lease agents, transaction attorneys, developers, agricultural land brokers, industrial brokers and everyone else related with the property business.

 Real estate software features a wide variety of tools and capabilities that allow real estate professionals to achieve more in less time and with less effort. Including such tools at report designers and powerful mail merge functions; real estate software can provide great results and can make businesses run more efficiently, with customizable organizational schemes and contact activity tracking and histories. Its easy for realtors to keep an eye on the big picture. Moreover, software specifically designed for use in the real estate industry allows for properties to be easily linked with contacts and also allows for fast and easy publication of listings to various websites and portals.

 Taro Systems, Inc., headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with over twenty nine years in operation, possesses the knowledge needed to develop unique and dynamic solutions to address industry-wide problems. The proof of Taro's dedication can be found in the successes of Taro Systems' clients - real estate companies of all sizes - including some of the largest in the industry. Taro Systems is technology aligned with relationships, providing outstanding customer service to the people that count - the customers!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Experience modern technology with HCL laptops

Are you Looking for a smart, good quality and affordable laptop? Then HCL laptops are there as the best solution of your problem.

 After a great research and high development, the computer world has gone tremendous change and has come up with numerous innovative inventions. The vast change in computer technology has helped customers to do their work in a more efficient and stress free way. Today's hi-tech world has increased the demand of users and day to day new substitutes are coming in the technology world. When we talk about the selection of laptop, it also requires greater consideration as users are switching towards good quality products. At present, everyone want a excellent quality laptop yet in a affordable rate.

 In order to fulfil customers requirements, HCL laptops have left no stone unturned to provide a better quality laptop with modern functioning that to in a affordable rate. HCL Laptops are on high demand due to their highly affordable cost, superb performance and reliability. It is a highly advance device, which can completely fulfil customer's expectations with its efficient functioning. These Cheap HCL Laptops can delight a common man with low budget and let them to feel the pleasing experience of having a world class laptop.

 One can find several HCL laptops in market in a highly affordable rates. Some of the popular laptops on demand are MiLeap X Laptop, HCL MiLeap L notebook and HCL MiLeap Y Ultra-portable laptop. These are excellent in performance and quality and are extremely reliable. The best thing is that it can easily suit buyer's pocket. These affordable laptops have replace The bulky desktop computers have been replaced by laptops as they deliver high quality performance and comes with alluring designs to attract customers. These Cheap HCL Laptops comes with innovative technologies and unique market trends. They are designed according to customer's preferences and suits them according to their requirements.

 The present day laptops are space conscious and one can place them anywhere, in the room or office desk. The laptop grant user's a world class solution against various problems and provide them with a perfect ease . The HCL models have weight approximately 1-8 Kilograms and they can be easily taken anywhere , without the fear of loss of data and damage. Laptop let users to create, share and organize files, applications, programs, spreadsheets and presentations just like a computing device.

 The present day cheap laptops comes with a single battery or sometimes with an external AC/DC adapter. The various efficient components of a laptop facilitate the portable usage and lessen the electricity consumption burden. The laptop also comes with touch pad and pointing stick through which users can access various applications and menus. The latest Cheap HCL Laptops also offers modern features such as network adapter, internal modem, Wi-Fi and USB support etc.

 However, one must not purchase laptops from unauthorized dealers and specially from grey market as they can be fake. The HCL showrooms offers customers a quality product with a long lasting warranty period. Before purchasing HCL Laptops, one must go through the complete detailed knowledge survey of Online market and should be aware of the proper features of the model,one is going for. First set your requirements and priorities them and then choose a model completely satisfying your expectations.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

How To Engage Employees With Technology Based Change

When you think about the millions of dollars organizations spend each year on IT programs of work, wouldn't it be prudent knowing that employees actually understand and most importantly embrace the reason behind the changes? There is one way of ensuring that employees and their managers have got the message and truly understand the reasons for the new system implementation. And that is the means that you communicate change.

 Let's start with reviewing how most organizations manage technology based change. If your organization's approach to this type of change is new skills training and employee communication strategies that include stakeholder management (translated briefings), intranet and email updates then that's not managing change, rather it is focussed on information. So what is the difference and why do we need to do anything more than provide information?

 IT systems are not introduced for the sake of a new system itself, they are introduced because there are benefits to be realized from a business management perspective. This may include more information on customer profiles and identifying other products or services clients may be interested in purchasing, the chagnes might focus on back office systems such as greater information for human resources management or accounting or they may focus on the supply chain and logistics. Whatever the reason there is a business reason for change and this is what employees need to understand if the full benefits of any system implementation is going to be realised.

 Let's look at an example. This financial services organisation was introducing a new back office system. In the past employees worked in separate divisions so customers were transferred from one area to another to process their request. The new system meant that all of the customer details were now available to employees and that they would now work in teams and "own" the customer from the commencement to end of transaction. It was a complete system and work style change so before specific system training was introduced a simulated work area was established and employees were taken through the customer experience. It was important that they understood the benefits to the customer by looking at the changes through the eyes of the customer. This way we created the "Aha" moment, employees got the message better than any intranet, information session or email bulletin could have conveyed it. And when employees went into system training they clearly understood the benefits and business reasons behind the changes.

 The five key things to remember when communicating technology changes.

 1. Be very clear about the business reasons for the changes - who will benefit and what will those benefits be?
 2. Establish why those benefits are important? What will the impact be on the organization?
 3. Decide the key messages for your information strategy - what will you need to communicate, to whom and when?
 4. Concurrently design an engagement strategy at key points in your project plan that will engage employees at all levels in the reason for the technology changes.
 5. Remember to ensure engagement the message is not about the system itself but about the business reasons for the changes.

 Finally, as change management professionals can we take the same approach to managing system changes and apply it to every new organization? The answer is clearly no because as every organization's culture is different, so it follows that every approach to change management and employee communication must be different to maximise the investment and potential of the system changes that are implemented.

 Marcia Xenitelis is a recognized authority on the subject on change management and has spoken at conferences around the world. For access to case studies and more information on the types of strategies you can implement to engage employees visit  for a wealth of free informative articles and resources.